On the Road Physiotherapy is proud to be working in partnership

On the Road Physiotherapy and our mobile Physiotherapists are happy to be able to work with like minded professionals. Quality Health Care (QHC) have been working closely with us over the last 2 years.

They are passionate about helping their clients live life well and we are happy to be involved in that process.

“One of our most memorable clients was a middle age gentleman who was living in an aged care facility. Once an avid walker and lover of outdoors his energy and smile would light up the room when we visited. We were able assist him with exercises and walk training which allowed him to reduce his falls and continue with his weekend outings and holidays with loved ones”.

Click the image to read the article and newsletter.

Note: Content is written by On the Road Physiotherapy using relevant sources all of which are referenced. All content is aimed to educate. If you are unsure of the relevance of the content to yourself please enquire or speak to your doctor.

We provide mobile physiotherapy services focusing our efforts to meet the needs of the senior and less able population. We provide a wide range of services NDIS funded, private and others. Currently servicing Sutherland Shire / St George Region.

Recent Articles

December 3 – International day of people with Disability

December 3 – International day of people with Disability

On December 3 we celebrated all those living with a disability and working to live their best live, chasing dreams and passions. We are proud to be working with such inspirational individual every day and being a part of their journey.

World Physiotherapy Day – We do we do?

World Physiotherapy Day – We do we do?

Most Physiotherapy sessions will involve some sort of assessment of the condition, a provisional diagnosis if this has not already been established, identification of key signs and symptoms, establishment of a treatment plan and implementation.

0424 711 096


Operating Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: On request

Sunday: Closed

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